Wednesday, 24 April 2013

See how SEO fails can be avoided!

SEO, also known as search engine optimisation, is the most sought after way for online marketing apart from Google’s Ad Sense and Pay per Click. The best part about SEO, which differentiates it from the other forms of online advertising, is that it optimises a website and aims to make the website reach the #1 position on Google. After all, there’s nothing like organic search listing in today’s times! A person will prefer clicking on organic search listings rather than clicking on paid-for highlighted ads as shown by many researches.

SEOPeople who don’t know how to effectively employ search engine optimisation often resort to unethical methods, and though it might get their website listed on the top for a couple weeks, their website will eventually be blacklisted and they will no longer show up on the search engine results. To know more about what these fails are, and to avoid these common mistakes, read on:

Don’t stuff keywords: Stuffing keywords is a complete NO, going by Google’s latest algorithm. You cannot afford to use black hat techniques and put in excessive keywords in the content. Ask your SEO Company Australia to refrain from using such techniques. They might make you reach the top fast but your fall will be equally fast.

Check back links: The thing with back links is that unless they are relevant, they will not find a place on Google’s top results. If you are an auto spare parts dealer and are putting back links of websites that sell dairy products, Google will know whether you are posting genuine links or not.

1 comment:

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